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AeroGain straight BTA mount

  • Compatible with the AeroGain Mono Armrest, and the AeroGain BTA-system
  • Allows placement of a bottle between or above your forearms, for ease-of-access during racing and training
  • Customisable height and angle (angle should match the angle of your extensions, for a horizontal bottle)

AeroGain straight BTA mount

Expected to ship by 16. October
  • This BTA mount is compatible with the AeroGain Mono Arm rest. This version places the bottle directy above the elbows, for easiest acess. For positions with wide arm pads, the bottle can be placed immediately betwen the arms. For narrower arm pads, it is necessary ot raise the bottle above the arms by 60-100 mm. This can typically also contribute to a more aerodynamic position, with the bottle cloaing the gab between the arms.

    The seamless mono arm rest design keeps the front-end cleaner that a dual arm rest setup, and serves as a platform to mount bottles in the most aerodynamic way possible.

    The BTA mount comes in different heights and angles, and can be further customised to suit the rider. 

2-3 days production time

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